Hog Royale

Interactive Frontend Experience

Frontend Designer

Interactive Exploration

Nov 2021 - Dec 2021

The Project

The objective was to design an engaging character profile for a HTML project. Our creativity was the limit. What came to mind was my favourite character, Hog Rider, from a game I was excessively (maybe too much) playing at that time - Clash Royale.


The steps I took.

The Approach.

For the initial landing page, I wanted to create an immersive and interactive experience. I designed a start button that resembled the style of the game, complete with a sound effect upon hover. The button led to a tutorial-styled introduction, where the main avatar smoothly faded in from the side and began showcasing the features of the game. To achieve this, I utilized HTML, CSS and JavaScript to design and animate the flow.

I attempted its recreation by mimicking the animated movements along with the unique chatting feature with the user.

Landing Page
Landing Page

The Profile.

Here comes the character profile - the main objective of the project. To create an interactive and engaging experience, the profile showcased a carousel-type display of the character's special attributes and abilities, allowing users to explore different aspects. Additionally, I implemented a uniquely-styled slider with dynamic attributes, which users could modify using simple Vanilla JS.

Landing Page
Scrolling Decks

The Hiccups.

As this was my first Frontend project, I faced several challenges. To overcome them, I conducted in-depth research through online web development documentations and dozens of YouTube tutorials. Eventually after spending hours debugging code and employing problem-solving techniques to tackle the issues at hand, the project was a success.

I presented the project to my class, engaging them throughout the session with consistent interaction. The character profile successfully showcased the interactive elements and captured the essence of the game, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

Lessons Learnt.

In future endeavors, I would better plan the structure of the designs before starting the development process. This approach would enable me to visualize the designs more effectively and streamline the implementation process.

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