Economics Manager

Customized Automation Software

Software Developer

Solution Engineering

Jun 2022 - Aug 2023

The Project

Economics teachers in ACJC faced the arduous challenge of repeatedly inputting students' scores into spreadsheets using similar formats. This labor-intensive and time-consuming manual process not only drained valuable hours but also increased the risk of errors. To alleviate this burden, the Economics Manager was designed to automate the score tabulation process and eliminate the need for teachers to perform repetitive data entry tasks.


The steps I took.

The Package.

The Economics Manager is a powerful and tailored automation software developed with Python to alleviate the manual tasks encountered by economics teachers at Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC). With its primary goal of reducing repetitive data entry and enhancing efficiency during the laborious process of tabulating results, this software targets economics teachers in ACJC, providing them with a seamless solution to generate accurate scoresheets effortlessly.

Sample: Image of Class List for an Economics Class

The Solving.

Addressing the aforementioned problem required systematic approach. I collaborated closely with economics teachers, gaining insights into their pain points and specific requirements. By thoroughly evaluating the existing tabulation process, I identified common patterns in the input data and mapped out the desired output results. This analysis formed the basis for designing and implementing a solution that would effectively automate the result tabulation process.

Sample: Organisation of Directory

Sample: Automatatically Generated Results

The final solution, the Economics Manager software, provided a seamless and efficient tool for economics teachers to generate scoresheets effortlessly.

The software's key features and functionalities include:

  • Streamlined User Interface (UI): The Python TKinter library was utilized to create a user-friendly UI that simplified the user experience and facilitated easy navigation within the application.

  • Automated Result Tabulation: Leveraging Python's File I/O system, the software read the input files containing students' scores and automatically generated output files with the tabulated results. This automation significantly reduced the need for manual data entry and calculations.

  • Efficient File Management: An organized folder structure was implemented to ensure the proper organization and management of the generated scoresheets, enabling easy retrieval and tracking of the files.

The Results.

The implemented solution yielded significant results and positively impacted both the economics teachers and ACJC as a whole. With just a few simple clicks, economics teachers could swiftly obtain the desired results, allowing them to focus more on analyzing the data and providing valuable insights to their students.

  • Time and Effort Savings

    The automation of result tabulation reduced the manual effort required by teachers, enabling them to allocate more time to other teaching and administrative tasks.

  • Enhanced Productivity

    With the streamlined tabulation process, teachers experienced increased efficiency and productivity, resulting in improved overall workflow and time management.

  • Improved Accuracy and Consistency

    The automated system reduced the likelihood of human errors and inconsistencies that could occur during manual data entry, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

  • Elevated Teacher Satisfaction

    The Economics Manager software contributed to a more positive and satisfying user experience for the economics teachers, as it simplified their tasks and improved their work-life balance.

Measuring Success.

The Economics Manager stands as a testament to the transformative power of automation in educational institutions. By addressing the challenges faced by economics teachers at ACJC and providing them with an intuitive and efficient solution, this customized automation software has successfully revolutionized the score tabulation process. This project not only saves time and effort but also empowers teachers to focus on what truly matters - analyzing data, providing valuable insights, and nurturing students' understanding of economics concepts. Through its successful implementation, the Economics Manager has demonstrated the significant impact automation can have in optimizing workflows and enhancing productivity within educational settings.

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